- Rachel learning to lead guitar for our prayers
Meg trying to help, doing what she sees the kids doing |
“ Sure Meg” I reply while thinking I’m not sure what you can do as a 2 yo but I love that you want to and I love you being with me. Next the appropriate questions for a 2 yo follow:
“Are you doing that Dad?” she says. Not sure exactly what thoughts are going through her mind, but realizing how serious she is about her question, as if she things she really understands what I am doing I reply with a loving smile, “Yes, Margaret, I am doing that” Next as I am working with the wires and as the questions continue the wires bump her head a couple of times, to which she comments “Dad, your hittin me or hurtin me” I’m not sure which. So I apologize and keep working. Then she says “ Dad, can I not help you?”
“Sure Meg” but less than 2 minutes later she is back.
The next morning while reflecting on our call to realize the life of God in us and to live in His presence in our community prayers I shared about Margaret “helping” me and I realized that we Christians, called to enter the Kingdom of God as little children, listening to Him, watching Him, being in His presence and really we don’t understand what He is doing in the whole scheme of things but that He desires us to be with Him, loving and being loved.
Lord how I want to be content in Your presence asking “Abba, Daddy, are you doing that?” not really knowing what He is doing but knowing He does……
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