Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reaping with shouts of joy!


    As we prepare to leave Oregon and our family and friends the place I grew up, the place where most of my family is, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents,  there is a bitter sweetness about it. This past year stateside we have been back to every place we have ever lived and been to places we have always wanted to go, like Franciscan University. It gets easier to start thinking “why not just stay home, live a normal life, a simple life” then we think of the billions of people that have never heard the Gospel, never even heard the name of Jesus! Over 7 billion people and 2/3’s have never heard His wonderful name!


  As we traveled this last year we have also been able to work and earn some of the funds we need to go back into missions and at the same time being able volunteer other things, like Faith Camp, Praise God! One of the unexpected blessings and challenges of this summer has been the young people and others that Mark has worked with. He has been learning new skills, teaching, and learning to teach the skills that the Lord has blessed him with.

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  So as we prepare to leave Oregon and the States the title of this blog is taken from Psalm 126 


        “The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy! He that goes forth weeping. bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him”

Now thinking of sowing a field with seed or a garden, it should be a time of rejoicing, thinking about the harvest to come. Yet as we leave we do go weeping, yet excited to be carrying the seeds of the gospel and praying that the Lord will bring us home with shouts of Joy!

God Bless you and please keep us in your prayers!

The Eckstines


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